MY Dive Boat

MY Dive Boat
Avalon for lunch

Friday, June 11, 2010

Finding the right Mask

Masks -

Picking the right one -

The answer to this could not be easier - The one that fits is the one you should buy.

But  .. . but  . .. I want that cool all black one like my buddy has .. . . . . nope get the one that fits, even if it is bright pink with florescent green accents.

Fit is that important!

Budget for a mask?
Again, fit is more important. However if budget is a concern , look online ( tough to try on when it is online), one of the bigger shop, wait for a sale, craigs list, ebay or you could sign up for a class from the shop you want to make your purchase - typically students of the shop get a nice discount.

Figure you are going to spend around $100.00 bucks to get the mask you need. Small price to pay when you figure how long they last. The mask I use for both Scuba and breath hold diving is the Scuba Pro framless> I have used the same mask for ten years.

I carry a back up brand new in box, on my boat and in  my car.


I've dropped my mask and lost it before . . . . hey  . .. it happens . . sucks  . . .but it does happen . Once dropped you rarely find it, seems like the ocean swallows it up! Worse yet I have sat on my mask .. . your thinking what a jerk , how can he sit on a mask?  I have asked myself that question many times . . .but I admit it here I have sat on my mask  . . . Me being 190lbs . . . the mask made of glass and silicon did not fair so well

There are some general guidelines however.

For freediving you should get a mask that is low volume. Meaning the space between your eyes and the inside of your mask, you want that space to be as small as possible. The reason behind this is mask squeeze. The squeeze is caused by pressure, as you dive deeper there is more pressure, air compresses . . right against your face . . .the less air in the mask . . .  the less compression. . .  the less mask squeeze. Bottom line look for a mask that is low volume and fits!

I use the same mask for scuba. You can too - they work for both.

There are many types of masks on the market, the one that fits is the one for you -

Here is another general guideline

For hunting try to get a mask with a opaque skirt, all black is best. Light coming  in from the sides can cause glare/reflection in the inside front of the glass on masks with a clear skirt. Masks with the side windows also have this effect. You can get used to this, but it can be distracting while hunting - Line up the shot   . . . and BAM . . little glare catches your eye . . .. OOOPPPPSSSS you miss . . . . .  Darn it  . . .No of course it has never happened to me :)

Time to head into the day job -



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