MY Dive Boat

MY Dive Boat
Avalon for lunch

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Popping a Halibut with Your Knife

Sticking a halibut with your knife is one of the Juiciest, most satisfying ways to take home a halibut.
I stuck this guy in three feet of Water - Brooks Street - Laguna Beach - Night

Here is your set up - Scuba or Freedive - it is the same- 

All you need is your favorite knife

The knife, my favorite for sticking butts is pictured below:
 Notice it is Not Huge
But it is titanium!
Here is Your how to Guide:
The secret to hunting halibuit is to cover ground, this is why I like the Old Scool Scuba Pro Jet Fins, instead of the modern day split fin. Hunting Lobster, same thing, cover ground. Couple reasons you would not be out without your gun -  There are some DFG regs that are in a Grey area in regards to hunting lobster with a speargun , because some could consider a speargun a hooked device. Teaching (playing assistant) it is tough to bring out a gun  . . . it is frowned upon  . . .
So -if you were thinking why not just bring a gun?
That's your answer

Back to the how to part:
A.Cover Lots of ground
B.Find your target - the happy unsuspecting halibut -
C.Pull your knife, hold it in a reverse ice pick grip ( think Jim Carey in that living color karate instructor skit or psycho)
D.Line up your spot - I suggest right behind the pectoral fin - That spot tends to pin them to the bottom real well.
E.Do it in one swift stern motion, don't hesitate. With this motion you should pin the Halibut to the bottom.
F.Once you have it stuck immediately grab right between his gills and hold hard - you are going to have one pissed off halibut on your hands

Now you have him pinned in two places -

What you don't want to have happen, worst case scenario the halibut swims off with your knife firmly stuck in him or almost as bad he slips off the blade and swims off - if this happens don't panic - circle the area - butts tend not to swim far especially after they have been stabbed.

G. Take your hand that is holding the knife - pull the knife out and put it back in it's sheath -
Still holding on the underside of the gills , the part that is right  between - you will see what I mean when you do it.
H. Once your knife is secure You can take two courses off action to secure the halibut - First course grab the section where the tail meets the body and stretch the halibut - HOW? - pull forward with gill hand and back with the other until you feel and sometimes hear some popping -kind of like being at the chiropractor! Second course keep the gill hand securely fastened on, with the other hand reach under the gill plate and tear out the gills - liken this to someone reaching down your throat and tearing out your lungs -I like both methods and find them equally effective.

Some things to keep in mind - 
A. Make sure this fish is legal before you stick it
B. Halibut are mean - THEY BITE! - My wetsuit and upper thigh have been bit more than once, that is why you don't let go till it's dead.
C. They are delicious!!
D. Some of the best food for date night

A super simple recipe for halibut tacos:
1 cup flour
1 cup rice flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
salt pinch
1 cup vodka
1 cup beer

Peanut oil ( for frying)
Couple pounds of fresh halibut cut into smallish strips or chunks - pat them dry -

Mix the dry ingredients first - Add vodka - Add Beer - Mix -
Consistency should be that of a thicker pancake batter- if it is too thin add more flour - too thick more beer
Heat in your favorite frying pan peanut oil to medium high or when you drop a small drop of  batter in and it starts to bubble up right away - when it does that you are ready to fry -
Fry to a golden brown and drain on paper towels
Stick the golden brown fried halibut into a warm tortilla - top with salsa, hot sauce and a squirt of lime ,

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